(October 28, 2016) Madison, Wis. – Madison-based grocery distributor Certco, Inc. is proud to announce that it will ensure 100% of the eggs it distributes are cage-free by 2025.
Certco, founded in 1930, distributes more than 57,000 items to over 200 independent stores throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa.
“Nearly every major food company in the country has announced plans to switch to 100% cage-free eggs, and we’re proud to support that transition,” said Justyne Uribe, Certco’s egg buyer. “By 2025, we plan to distribute only cage-free eggs across our system.”
The Humane Society of the United States applauded Certco for its commitment to cage-free egg distribution.
“We welcome the announcement that Certco is going cage-free,” said Matthew Prescott, senior food policy director for The Humane Society of the U.S. “Consumers, scientists, food safety experts and our nation’s largest food companies all agree that the future is cage-free.”
Justyne Uribe, Certco
608-278-2232, juribe@certcoinc.com